The Assassin's Creed Revelations BETA will run from September 3rd to September 11th, 2011.
As you enter the Animus environment with other Agents, you’ll assume a
persona, develop advanced Abilities, customize your appearance and
neutralize your targets.
Abstergo’s cutting-edge Animus technology simulates a wide variety of
historical locations and objectives, where you will sharpen your skills
and become the ultimate Templar weapon.
Nine characters are available in the BETA which are all unlocked for your use at the outset. Though they share the same overall behavior, their animations differ and their ability sets are customizable.
The Sentinel – A Wallachian noble by birth and a former Assassin,
Vali cel Tradat seeks satisfaction through vengeance. Favored weapon:
Long Katar
The Vanguard – Oksana Razin worked for the Templars as a spy before joining their Order, exchanging loyalty for wealth. Favored weapon: Small Axe
The Guardian – The estranged cousin of a Sultan, Odai Dunqas embraces the Templar ideology of seeking peace through order and stability. Favored weapon: Lance
The Vizier – Damat Ali Pasha joined the Templars in hopes of bringing order and glory to a world ruled by chaos. Favored weapon: Sword
The Thespian – The Templars often rely on Lysistrata’s seductive charisma to influence Ottoman officials and visiting monarchs. Favorite weapon: Dagger
The Deacon – Cyril of Rhodes uses his position in the Church to destroy it from within and further Templar dominance. Favored weapon: Long Sword
The Bombardier – Kadir is a strong asset to the Templars. He trades weapons and information for money and power. Favored weapon: Mace
The Trickster – A canny thief, the fortune-teller Mirela Djuric is the Templars’ link to a vast underworld of criminal activity. Favored weapon: Dagger
Three maps are available in the BETA. Be sure to pay attention to their lay-outs in-game as these maps have been tuned to allow more strategy than those in Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood (it’s easier to break line-of-sight, for example).
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Knight's Hospital |
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Antioch |
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Constantinople (not available at Beta launch, this map will be added during the Beta) |
Four modes are available in the BETA. Two of these modes are returning favorites from Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood, while the other two are brand new modes designed in response to player feedback.
Wanted – Your objective is to kill your designated TARGETS and avoid being killed by your PURSUERS. The higher you rank, the more PURSUERS will hunt you. The highest score wins. Quality kills will boost your score through bonuses earned.
Free for all – 4-8 players
Session – 1 round of 10 minutes
Manhunt – Each team takes turns pursuing the other team. Work together to kill your targets or hide with your allies and survive. Performing quality kills and hiding with your allies will boost your score.
Team – 4-8 players, 2 teams
Session – 2 rounds of 5 minutes
Deathmatch (NEW) – Find and kill assigned TARGETS and avoid being killed by your PURSUERS. Templars compete in a small area without triggering CHASES and your COMPASS has been deactivated. In this mode, only one of each character type walks the map, so TARGETS are easy to spot. Quality kills will boost your score through earned bonuses.
Free for all – 4-8 players
Session – 1 round of 10 minutes
Artifact Assault (NEW) – Your objective is to score by stealing the enemy’s artifact from their base and carrying it back to yours. When you’re in your territory, you are a PURSUER and can kill opponents, but once you move into enemy territory, you become a TARGET and can be killed. The team with the highest score wins.
Team – 4-8 players, 2 teams
Session – 1 round of 10 minutes(not available at Beta launch, this mode will be added during the Beta)
Eight Abilities are available in the BETA, but only some are available initially while others must be unlocked by increasing your rank. Although some Abilities return from Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood, you may notice some slight tweaks resulting from player feedback.
Tripwire Bomb (NEW) – Once armed, the Tripwire Bomb explodes when a TARGET or a PURSUER steps on it.
Four modes are available in the BETA. Two of these modes are returning favorites from Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood, while the other two are brand new modes designed in response to player feedback.
Wanted – Your objective is to kill your designated TARGETS and avoid being killed by your PURSUERS. The higher you rank, the more PURSUERS will hunt you. The highest score wins. Quality kills will boost your score through bonuses earned.
Free for all – 4-8 players
Session – 1 round of 10 minutes
Manhunt – Each team takes turns pursuing the other team. Work together to kill your targets or hide with your allies and survive. Performing quality kills and hiding with your allies will boost your score.
Team – 4-8 players, 2 teams
Session – 2 rounds of 5 minutes
Deathmatch (NEW) – Find and kill assigned TARGETS and avoid being killed by your PURSUERS. Templars compete in a small area without triggering CHASES and your COMPASS has been deactivated. In this mode, only one of each character type walks the map, so TARGETS are easy to spot. Quality kills will boost your score through earned bonuses.
Free for all – 4-8 players
Session – 1 round of 10 minutes
Artifact Assault (NEW) – Your objective is to score by stealing the enemy’s artifact from their base and carrying it back to yours. When you’re in your territory, you are a PURSUER and can kill opponents, but once you move into enemy territory, you become a TARGET and can be killed. The team with the highest score wins.
Team – 4-8 players, 2 teams
Session – 1 round of 10 minutes(not available at Beta launch, this mode will be added during the Beta)
Eight Abilities are available in the BETA, but only some are available initially while others must be unlocked by increasing your rank. Although some Abilities return from Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood, you may notice some slight tweaks resulting from player feedback.
Tripwire Bomb (NEW) – Once armed, the Tripwire Bomb explodes when a TARGET or a PURSUER steps on it.
Closure (NEW) – Trigger all chase-breakers around you. Perfect for trapping PURSUERS or preventing the escape of a TARGET.
Disguise – Temporarily change your appearance to surprise your opponent. Particularly effective in the new Deathmatch mode!
Fire Crackers – Drop Firecrackers on the ground to blind opponents and scare the crowd. Pay attention to crowd behavior and your TARGET will be revealed!
Throwing Knives – Use Throwing Knives to injure your opponents, slowing them down or making them fall when climbing.
Smoke Bomb – Throw a Smoke Bomb to confuse the crowd and rival Templars. An old stand-by for veteran Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood players.
Poison – Dispense a stealthy dose of Poison that will slowly kill your TARGET. A bit underhanded, perhaps, but no less effective.
Morph – Transform characters from the crowd into your duplicates, hiding you from PURSUERS. Ideal for the new Deathmatch mode where remaining unseen is difficult!
There are four Perks, four Streaks and four Loss Bonuses available in the BETA, but they only unlock after you reach a certain rank. Veterans of Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood multiplayer will recognize some, but others are completely new to Assassin’s Creed Revelations.
Sentry Perk (NEW) – Increase the out-of-sight duration of your lock.
Enhanced Auto-Bash Perk – Increases the number of CIVILLIANS you can bash before losing your balance.
Hot Pursuit Perk (NEW) – Increases your speed when you run after your TARGET and slows down the depletion of your APPROACH METER.
Blender Perk – Each time you blend with a crowd, one CIVILLIAN automatically Morphs into your lookalike.
3 Kills Streak – Earn an additional bonus of 200 points for every 3 kills or stun Streaks performed without dying.
2 Silent Kills Streak – Earn an additional bonus of 200 points for every 2 Silent kills performed without dying.
Silent Animus Hack Streak (NEW) – When the streak counter reaches 6, you will hack the Animus, raining arrows down from the sky and killing all other Templar Agents.
Animus Hack Streak (NEW) – When the streak counter reaches 8, you will hack the Animus, raining arrows down from the sky and killing all other Templar Agents.
Vision Loss Bonus (NEW) – Reveals the location of out-of-sight TARGETS until you perform a kill. Occurs after 5 deaths or stuns in a row.
Tracker Loss Bonus (NEW) – Reveals a TARGET in your sight by highlighting their path with a yellow aura until you perform a kill. Occurs after 5 contract losses in a row.
Revelation Loss Bonus (NEW) – Reveals all PURSUERS in your sight until you perform a kill. Occurs after 5 deaths or stuns in a row.
Minor Hack Loss Bonus (NEW) – Allows you to kill your next TARGET from a distance. Occurs after 5 contract losses in a row.
New to Assassin’s Creed Revelations, Playlists are preset search criteria that enable you to jump into the gametype of your choice as quickly as possible.
Free For All – Joins next available match in Wanted or Deathmatch modes on any Map.
Team – Joins next available match in Manhunt or Artifact Assault modes on any Map.
Welcome – Joins next available match in Deathmatch mode on any Map. Abstergo’s idea of a warm welcome
Ability Sets
Abilities, Perks, Kill Streaks and Loss Streaks come packaged in Ability Sets. New to Assassin’s Creed Revelations are two pre-defined Ability Sets that include a selection of the most popular and useful Abilities. However, two Ability Sets are completely customizable and available for your use after reaching a specific rank.
New to Assassin’s Creed Revelations are Abstergo Credits which are a currency you’ll earn from playing matches as well as performing specific multiplayer actions. New Abilities are unlocked when you rank up, but they are not available for your use until you purchase them using Abstergo Credits… gone are the days when you’d get access to Poison just for leveling, Vidic is really going to make you work for it now!
New to Assassin’s Creed Revelations are Abstergo Credits which are a currency you’ll earn from playing matches as well as performing specific multiplayer actions. New Abilities are unlocked when you rank up, but they are not available for your use until you purchase them using Abstergo Credits… gone are the days when you’d get access to Poison just for leveling, Vidic is really going to make you work for it now!
In the Assassin’s Creed Revelations BETA, we have set the Level Cap to 30 and scaled unlockables to fit this cap. Be advised, this is not necessarily representative of the final unlock schedule.
In the Assassin’s Creed Revelations BETA, we have set the Level Cap to 30 and scaled unlockables to fit this cap. Be advised, this is not necessarily representative of the final unlock schedule.
We have introduced many new options for Character Customization in Assassin’s Creed Revelations and a tiny taste of what awaits in the final game is available in the BETA. As you progress through the ranking system, you will be able to modify each Character’s body parts (Belt, Torso, Legs and Arms). In addition, you will also be able to modify your Character’s favored weapon after reaching the Level Cap of 30. Other Character Customizations include new Patron Pictures, Titles and Emblems available for display on your Templar Profile.
We have introduced many new options for Character Customization in Assassin’s Creed Revelations and a tiny taste of what awaits in the final game is available in the BETA. As you progress through the ranking system, you will be able to modify each Character’s body parts (Belt, Torso, Legs and Arms). In addition, you will also be able to modify your Character’s favored weapon after reaching the Level Cap of 30. Other Character Customizations include new Patron Pictures, Titles and Emblems available for display on your Templar Profile.
As in Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood, Challenges are completed when you accomplish specific actions during gameplay sessions by using your skills and Abilities. In Assassin’s Creed Revelations, however, Challenges have been re-tuned to make them more easily understandable and achievable (to a point, we can’t hand you everything on a silver platter, after all).
As in Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood, Challenges are completed when you accomplish specific actions during gameplay sessions by using your skills and Abilities. In Assassin’s Creed Revelations, however, Challenges have been re-tuned to make them more easily understandable and achievable (to a point, we can’t hand you everything on a silver platter, after all).